Foster, Percy George
Percy George Foster
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: 7th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Parents: Mrs Ada Foster
Address: 44 Alexandra Road, St Leonards
Other Info: For Bravery text reads: “… well known in business circles in the town, having been with the firm of Messers. John Lester and Son, Contractors, for some years past. Upon the outbreak of war he was called up with the Sussex Yeomanry, and was afterwards transferred to the 5th Sussex, and went to the front about a year ago. He received his commission in France for Bravery, and was gazetted in November 1915. When the Germans exploded five mines, the 7th received orders to occupy the craters. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Company occupied one of these craters, but suffered such heavy losses that ‘C’ Company was called upon to reinforce them. Owing to the severity of the fighting all of the senior officers were wounded.
Lieutenant Foster assumed command and held the crater for two days. On the second day, early in the morning, he was wounded in the leg and face and later in the day severely wounded in the back with shrapnel but carried on until much needed reinforcements arrived. He was for some time in hospital abroad, and was later sent to England, and seemed to be progressing favourably. He was operated on at Darrell Hospital, London, but septic poison set in and he passed away last Sunday. The funeral took place at the Hastings Borough Cemetery yesterday afternoon. (This was printed on April 6th 1916)
According to CWGC, Percy died aged 23 on 2nd April 1916. He is remembered at Hastings Cemetery, grave reference E.H.O29.
Published: April 1916
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