Smale, Charles Edward

Charles Edward Smale

Rank: Private

Regiment: 2nd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment

Father: William Smale

Other Info: Born in Hastings, Charles Sadler died in Hailsham on 25th August 1914. He is buried at Hastings Cemetery. He is not named on Hastings War Memorial.

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  • Charles Edward Smale died in the Hailsham registration district, Sussex, aged 29. There is only one possible candidate for him.

    In the 1901 census his family was at 3 Benson's Cottages, Milward Terrace, Hastings, Sussex. His father William Smale was a wood sawyer on his own account, born Hastings. His wife Mary was from Canterbury, Kent. The children were Rose, 23, domestic servant; Bertha, 18, dressmaker; and Charles, a bricklayer's labourer, age 16. All the children were born in Ore, a neighbourhood in Hastings. There was also a boarder,

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