Gildersleeve, William Stanton

William Stanton Gildersleeve

Rank: Private

Regiment: 14th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment

Address: 19 Cornwallis Gardens, Hastings

Other Info: Additional name information from the Lives of the First World War website. That website also states that William served in the Royal Air Force rather than the Royal Sussex.

Published: December 1915

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  • William Stanton Gildersleeve was my Grandmother's brother. Their parents were Francis and Ellen Gildersleeve who ran the Metropole Hotel on Robertson Terrace in Hastings. William took the Hotel over from his parents in about 1915 and ran it with his wife Janet (Gregory) until it was requisitioned for use as troop accommodation in 1939. It didn't re-open following the end of the war.

    Janet and William Gildersleeve had three children: Ralph Stanton Gildersleeve, Gregory Stanton Gildersleeve and Gwyneth Welbourne Gildersleeve.

    Francis and Ellen Gildersleeve moved to Hastings in about 1880 as newly weds and raised their family of five boys and one girl there.

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